welcome to:


for Projectors

the PERSONAL, private, 1:1 reading for HUMAN DESIGN PROJECTORS craving easy, aligned, sweet success.

because it gets to be easy.


Are you tired of burning out from the constant treadmill of going, doing, hustling + grinding?

Are you ready to REST + RECEIVE instead of chasing down invitations?

Are you sick of feeling like no one notices you, and ESPECIALLY not for what you WANT to be noticed for?

Are you OVER feeling like no matter how hard you work, you're not making progress towards what you actually DESIRE?


As Human Design Projectors, we weren't built to hustle, grind or work ourselves to the bone for success. We're made to radiate our wisdom + attract aligned invitations because of who we ARE, not because of what we DO. 

But we don't live in a society that was built for or by us. So we often feel invisible + push ourselves to burnout by following everyone else's directions for success. 

It's time for you to understand + follow your unique design so that you can create authentic success with ease!

As a 5/1 splenic projector, I understand what it feels like to be exhausted, overwhelmed + unseen in life + business.

Following my human design changed EVERYTHING!

in the guide you…


Have a private 1:1 call + receive personal human design reading


Clearly + easily understand your unique human design profile.


Strategize your bespoke success with ease + alignment.


Problem solve where you're feeling stuck + strained.


Clarify your life purpose + how to LIVE IT.


Feel seen, understood + appreciated like never before!

Ok, so how can i access these secrets?

 Human design can be a complicated + hard to understand system, especially when you're just starting out. Projectors are the newest design type + just 20% of the world's population so we're often overlooked, minimized or misunderstood. But we were born to be SUCCESSFUL + engineer the future, by using our unique wisdom, powerful perspective + penetrating insights.

Sign up for THE GUIDE to unlock your personal Projector roadmap + create success with soul satisfaction.


Reg. $333


creatrix + soul guide

For so long I thought I was doing life, business + success wrong.

An expert in my craft, master in my medicine + no stranger to hard work, I couldn't figure out why everyone else seemed to be getting ahead while I kept falling behind.

Discovering that as a Human Design Projector I was born to be successful + attract invitations by BEING changed EVERYTHING in my life + business.

The best part? When you're in alignment with your unique design, success doesn't require hustle, grind or excessive DOING. 💅🏽